Savings Account

Young couple sitting on river bank

A savings account opens a lot of doors.

When you join our Linn Area Credit Union family, the first thing you’ll do is apply for a savings account. Keeping a minimum of $5 in a savings account establishes your membership in the credit union and makes you an owner. (Yaaay! You’re part owner of a financial institution!)

So, you’re required to have one account with a least $5 in it, but you can always add more savings accounts to fit your needs. (Perhaps you set one up to save for a vacation or to pay toward your credit card each month.)

What’s the first step? We’re glad you asked!

If you’re not a member yet, you may apply online or stop by one of our walk-in branches. (We’ll get you set up all nice-like.)

To apply for a savings account at one of our walk-in branches, please have the following stuff with you:

  • Valid driver’s license or state-issued ID. (Expired ID = no dice.)
  • Proof of current address. If the address on your ID is not accurate, please bring in a pay stub or utility bill. (Sorry, letters from Grandma don’t count.)
  • Social Security number. (If you are under 18 or don’t have established credit, we’ll need the government-issued Social Security card itself, not just the number.)
  • At least $5 to deposit.

Each person on the account needs to have their own stuff. So if you and your husband will be on a joint account, we’ll need a valid ID for each one of you. (Makes sense, right?)

If you’re already a member and would like to add an account (and who could blame you), you don’t need any of that. Just stop by one of our walk-in locations or give us a call.

Savings & Club Accounts

Check out the different savings accounts we offer. We have something for everyone!

Automatic Deductions

One of the best ways to save money is to have it tucked away before you even know it’s gone. (Some people call it sneaky – we prefer to think of it as being savings and budgeting ninjas.)

How to Save

Saving is not as easy as it sounds. (Neither is giving up jelly doughnuts.) We offer some tips, tricks and nifty calculators to help you out.

Making a Budget

We all know we need to have one. Check out our advice for setting one up and for sticking to it.
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